Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Class Tomorrow (EEEEK!)

Well, we will see how this goes.  I will take the leap and try to present to a small group some of the things I have encountered over the years.

If you said you would come, please do.  Moral support is appreciated.

South Jordan Library, Thursday, October 17 @ 6:30pm, 10673 S. Redwood Road.

I find the material on the Witnesses and integrity of the Book of Mormon so compelling.  I will be presenting a portion of Dan Vogel's theory of the creation of the Book of Mormon for contrast about the desperation of critics.  I think people will have a good time.  As a special treat, we will have actual (fake) leaves from Dan Vogel's version of the Book of Mormon so the public can see how truly untenable the critics positions are in light of the historic statements of eyewitnesses.

I hope it will be fun.  I know it will be enlightening, for me if no one else.
Thanks in advance,


Anonymous said...

Bob, if at all possible, please record your presentation and post the video. I can't be there, but would love to see what you've got to say.

WasatchIntercept said...

Sorry I missed it. I don't check blogspot every day, by the time I saw this, the meeting had been over three days. Next time!

Bob said...

I am recording it. I haven't seen the video yet, as I am going to try to recruit my wife (a Google scholar, really) to help out.

Unknown said...

So is there a video bob?